Donald Duck in Fire Chief
It's come to my attention lately that creatively I've grown stale. There's a burning desire in me to put all these ideas I have to paper (figuratively speaking) whether they're directly design-related, career-related, or not. I see things all around me that lack the attention to detail; a second pair of eyes if you will. Sometimes this is in the world of theme parks, animation, or film. Sometimes it is just in my daily errands. Yet with a job and two kids, I rarely make any time to work my thoughts out.
So I've been inspired by a friend to just get off my ass and try something. Maybe not daily, maybe not weekly, but at least once a month to do something for myself. Potential opportunities have passed me by and if anything this will prove a fun exercise. My friend deals with merchandise and print design, something that I'm rusty on given I work in a digital mindset. Here's a chance to at least focus on concepts and basics.
I'm a longtime fan of Donald Duck, who easily has the most entertaining cartoon shorts of all Disney characters. Originally voiced by Clarence "Ducky" Nash before the torch was passed to Tony Anselmo, the desire to mimic his voice rests high on my list. Weeks ago I was Googling about and came across some early poster work for the short "Fire Chief" and instantly saw a potential for a t-shirt design transfer. There's a lot of great artwork out there that could easily be reworked to succeed in apparel design, so after some cleanup and composition adjustments, we have a very imaginable shirt.
I know I'd certainly wear it, though I'm biased.